Using Our Website

Before navigating this website, we ask that you take the following points into consideration:

Recommended Settings

We recommend the following browsers for a pleasant browsing experience on our website.
* Some parts of the website may not be available if you do not use the recommended environment.
* Even under the recommended environment, depending on the settings of your browser, the website may not always be displayed correctly.

・Microsoft Internet Explorer (latest version)
・Microsoft Edge (latest version)
・Safari (latest version)
・Google Chrome (latest version)
・Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
・Google Chrome (latest version)
・safari (latest version)

Regarding JavaScript

This website currently uses JavaScript. The JavaScript function may be disabled depending on your browser settings, which in turn may prevent this webpage from being properly displayed. In order to ensure a smooth browsing experience, please make sure that Javascript is enabled in your web browser.

Necessary Plug-ins

We have made a variety of clips, videos, PDF files, etc., available on our homepage in order to enhance your browsing experience. If you are unable to view the contents of these files, you may be lacking the necessary plug-ins to do so. If this happens to be the case, please visit the following websites to install these plug-ins on your computer. If you click on the following links, the download page for these plug-ins will automatically appear in a new tab in your browser's window.

Adobe Reader

Concerning Private Information

Some of your personal information may be accessed when using this website. When this happens, our company manages your information as per our Personal Information Protection Policy.


As a general rule, the copyright of the content posted on this website is owned by EXEDY Corporation or its affiliated companies, and is protected by the copyright laws of each country, various treaties, and other laws. Reproduction, public transmission, modification, conversion, sale, etc. beyond the scope permitted by the copyright law for personal private use is prohibited without the prior permission of the right holder.


The following actions are prohibited when using this website.

・Acts that infringe or may infringe the property or privacy of our company or a third party.
・Acts that cause or may cause disadvantage or damage to our company or a third party.
・Acts that damage the honor or credibility of our company or a third party.
・Obscene, profane acts or remarks, etc. that violate or may violate public order and morals.
・Criminal acts or acts that lead to crime.
・The act of making a false statement or notification by registering the e-mail address of another person.
・Business activities or other commercial activities, or acts for the purpose of preparing for them.
・Using or providing harmful programs such as computer viruses.
・Acts that violate the law or ordinance.
・Acts that our company deems inappropriate.


The use of this website is at your own risk. We carefully create and manage all information posted on this website, but we do not guarantee the accuracy, usefulness, completeness, etc. of this information. EXEDY is not liable for any damages caused by the customer's use or non-use of this information.