An outline of
CSR activities

Health and Safety Policy

Basic Philosophy

Ensuring occupational health and safety is the foundation of DYNAX's corporate management and a social responsibility. In order to realize "a safe and comfortable workplace where employees can work with peace of mind," we shall continuously promote occupational safety and health activities with the participation of all employees based on the following policy from the starting point of "Safety First" that safety takes precedence over everything else.

Basic Policy

  1. Zero occupational accident promotion
    Promote a comfortable, healthy, and hazard-free "zero occupational accident" workplace.
  2. Management System Utilization
    Aim to continuously improve health and safety standards through the use of occupational health and safety management systems.
  3. Open company culture
    Strive to invigorate safety and health activities by creating a corporate culture in which anything can be discussed.
  4. Prevention Activities
    Raise the level of risk assessment on all hazardous and harmful factors in the workplace to prevent occupational accidents.
  5. Legal Compliance and Workplace Environment
    In addition to complying with laws and regulations related to health and safety, we will review our voluntary standards to achieve "zero occupational accidents and illnesses" and continue to improve the work environment with respect to noise, odor, chemical substances, etc. to create a comfortable workplace.
  6. Safety Person, All Employee Participation
    We will identify the true causes of occupational accidents and promote the development of a corporate culture and human resources to ensure the completion and maintenance of permanent countermeasures with the participation of all employees.
  7. Mental and Physical Health
    Communicate with fellow employees on the premises and actively engage in "mental and physical health promotion".
  8. Sustainability
    In implementing this policy, we will devote appropriate management resources and continuously implement effective improvements.

May 20, 2024
Makoto Ogawa

Satoru Shimizu
Chitose District General Safety and Health Manager

Takashi Mori
Tomakomai District General Safety and Health Manager